Monday, November 14, 2011

Post 19 for Art

Wow. I thought the animation in this video was very effective. Everything was clean cut and streamline allowing my eyes to move with ease as the video streamed. I also liked how simple the shapes and characters were. I never realized how striking the most effortless shapes could be.

Even with the awesome visuals there was a lot of information being thrown our for me to grasp. I had to re-watch the video in order to understand everything that was trying to be conveyed. With so many acronyms I got a little lost in the verbiage of the video. And trying to keep the facts in chronological order was a struggle. 

However, it was still very interesting to see the timeline in history of the internet. This video was made about three years ago though and it is even more exciting to see the difference between 2009 and now. The internet is now used for so much more than they conveyed in the video.

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