Tuesday, August 30, 2011

John Baldessari's Artwork

Can I please just say that John B's voice has unbelievable lulling effect?! Once he started talking in his documentary I wanted to fall asleep. However, his pictures kept me interested. When I Google-ed his name I found many images that had not been seen in the video. I chose this piece because I thought I could decipher what he was trying to say. That isn't to say that I'm not completely off though! That's actually very likely. But here goes:

Yes, this image is a little promiscuous, I do realize that, but I think it has a deeper meaning that just love. 

The images of people look like they belong together, like he cut them apart (which is what I think he did), but just because they 'look' like they belong, do they actually? With as often as people get separated in marriages or relationships, does this piece express what is actually going on? I feel like its almost as if those two are making love, but they feel disconnected or even possibly imaging someone else while with their partner. 

I don't know why this piece captured my attention like it has, but I find it to be interesting.  

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